It is like the dessert.

Yeah it's like the desert! I'm sad at not being part of what we could now call 'this gen' and I think that all the players have had an ample chance to win my, an avid gamer’s, attention. I have been singly just utterly unimpressed by the PS3 post launch. Re-hashed 360 titles, mediocre generic titles and a blu-ray drive just don't justify spending that much ££££. Sorry guys you've had a while to get me onside, but I’m not convinced. Or am I?


Think about it, think about holding that controller: the back of it resting against the ulnarial digits (Ring and pinkie fingers), the index and middle fingers slowly curve round and rest, in a kind cosmic alignment, on the shoulder button and triggers. The thumbs circle themselves round, they hover slightly, the tip of the right thumb grazes the 4 buttons, circle, triangle, square and the ball of the thumb comes to rest on X. The right thumb caresses the D-Pad, almost admiring the contours of the different material, pushing against the extra friction is causes, snaking in and out of the valleys between the 4 classic primordial direction buttons. The thumbs them move, they passionately move up, forcing themselves upon the analogue sticks. They click the R3 and L3 buttons. At that point… that familiar clicking sound, everything feels right, it’s Playstation, the old friend, the old buddy, the one who is always there. So what if you don’t have many games right now, hell none of them did at the start, but we all know in our heart-of-hearts that the time of the Playstation has not yet come. Rejecting the PS3 is like turning out a close friend into the cold streets, just because you don’t find him interesting any more.

The PS3 controller is the most mature of the bunch. It takes the classic formulae and expands it, it adds motion sensitivity, but in a good way, it is refined, you won’t be flailing about like an autistic monkey with a piece of string, and above all, the D-Pad and analogue sticks are in the right place, don’t let Microsoft tell you different.

As for games, again in your heart of hearts you know they will be better than the Wii, and pretty much similar to the 360, but they will feel better on the PS3.

PROJECT: You know the PS3 is right for you, but wait for the price drop and more releases.

Xbox 360 fund = £0
Wii fund = £0


  1. And, the little Playstation badge can be twisted so that it is the right way up. EVEN IF THE CONSOLE IS ON IT'S SIDE!

    Classic Sony!

  2. And, the little Playstation badge can be twisted so that it is the right way up. EVEN IF THE CONSOLE IS ON IT'S SIDE!

    Classic Sony!


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