That Guy's Interviews: Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
We've managed to scoop another exclusive, this time we interview Elizabeth from the upcoming game Bioshock Infinite.
TG: Congratulations on getting cast to play Elizabeth in this award winning franchise. Bioshock Infinite takes the series to the skies. Was working with heights a problem for you?
E: Oh god. ONE OF MY EYES IS BIGGER THAN MY MOUTH. Where is my stomach supposed to be? Of fuck, I don't have a stomach. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
TG: Was it difficult playing a 20 year old character (Elizabeth's real age is 12)?
E: I can't breathe. I can't breathe. My head is as wide as my waist. Who made me like this? Why is my neck so long? {Elizabeth begins to hyperventilate}.
TG: Now that you've been cast a a female character in a PC game are you looking forward to people uploading drawings of you having sex with various people and things? Including possibly that woman from Half Life 2?
E: Ppplease. Kill. Me?
TG: Tell us about that awful fringe you were sporting in many of the screen shots. Were you happy sporting such an awful fringe? Why won't that fringe just die?
E: Why are my breasts so......Big?
TG: Thanks for taking the time out of a no doubt busy schedule to talk to us Elizabeth. Bioshock Infinite is out in the future on computers. It'll get a 7, 8 or 9 out of ten or something.

E: Oh god. ONE OF MY EYES IS BIGGER THAN MY MOUTH. Where is my stomach supposed to be? Of fuck, I don't have a stomach. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
TG: Was it difficult playing a 20 year old character (Elizabeth's real age is 12)?
E: I can't breathe. I can't breathe. My head is as wide as my waist. Who made me like this? Why is my neck so long? {Elizabeth begins to hyperventilate}.
TG: Now that you've been cast a a female character in a PC game are you looking forward to people uploading drawings of you having sex with various people and things? Including possibly that woman from Half Life 2?
E: Ppplease. Kill. Me?
TG: Tell us about that awful fringe you were sporting in many of the screen shots. Were you happy sporting such an awful fringe? Why won't that fringe just die?
E: Why are my breasts so......Big?
TG: Thanks for taking the time out of a no doubt busy schedule to talk to us Elizabeth. Bioshock Infinite is out in the future on computers. It'll get a 7, 8 or 9 out of ten or something.

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