Not the normal whinge
We whinge too much. One of the things we whinge about is how game retailers don't seem to be able to distinguish their mid arm ginglymus from their midrectum aperture when it comes to the business of selling games.
In the immortal words of Chief Brian Irons, whose hobby used to be taxidermy "BUT NO LONGER".

We're so happy we even busted out a de-motivational poster and a Resident Evil 2 quote just like it were 2005 all over again.
MCV talk to Robert Hennessy, John Lewis' new games buyer and he be talking a whole lotta sense. Including a Nintendo Shop at John Lewis' flagship store, just around the corner from the hit-and-miss flagship GAME store. In a word, FUCK YES and in more words ABOUT TIME.
In the immortal words of Chief Brian Irons, whose hobby used to be taxidermy "BUT NO LONGER".

We're so happy we even busted out a de-motivational poster and a Resident Evil 2 quote just like it were 2005 all over again.
MCV talk to Robert Hennessy, John Lewis' new games buyer and he be talking a whole lotta sense. Including a Nintendo Shop at John Lewis' flagship store, just around the corner from the hit-and-miss flagship GAME store. In a word, FUCK YES and in more words ABOUT TIME.
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