
Showing posts from April, 2016

Hyper Dimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed

We may not gave discussed this properly on TGAM but recently we have fallen in love with the amazing series of  Neptunia games. Action Unleashed is a tear away from the time-sink RPG's that are the other Neptunia games... Its an amazing project, they have taken all the "assets", from the previous game, and made an arena hack-n-slash title, but not only that, they actually kept all the moves, whew in the RPG the EXE drives (limit breaks etc etc) were drawn out separate animations that just do damage  akin to the summons of FFVII and FFVIII. It is an amazing endeavour to have translated an RPG into a hack and slash and kept the same "feeling" when executing the moves or running about. And it still has boobs....  ...and a weird new "Costume break" function... Which is lovingly explained to you via the medium of fourth-wall breaking visual novel (my favourite way to have anything communicated to me) Like the last game you can dress up you...

Are Mobile Games Any Good Yet? Miitomo Edition

Not got enough Nintendo accounts? In between your account, Pokemon Global Link account, Nintendo ID, Nintendo Online Store account and MiiVerse accounts, Nintendo has recently launched MyNintendo the new-all you need account for worse news and updates that independent Nintendo fan sites and the first vehicle that uses the MyNintendo account is mobile 'app' Miitomo .  Ninty has been trialling gentle-disgustingly fierce micro-transactions from free to play games like Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Rumble World through to not-ware Nintendo Badge Arcade and presumably a lucrative line in customising your handheld with 3DS themes.   Miitomo , like Nintendo Badge Arcade , takes pay-to-not-really-play to the next level. What is Miitomo ? It's a hyper scummy new social network that uses Miis. The app is so blatantly aimed at capturing the social network hype, for example, you can earn large amounts of one of the three new MyNintendo currencies just by linking...