One Piece Pirate Warriors 3: A game I have played

So I jumped straight in at number 3 in this series, mainly because that is all Steam has, missing out on 1 and 2, though I doubt i have missed any complex plot devices.

This game is a re-skinned version of dynasty warriors, with one piece characters. and is a fine example of the sum of the parts being greater than the whole. Its really great to play the faithfully recreated One Piece characters in little skirmishes which loosely follows the plot of the extremely long running anime. And on top of that some fun RPG elements to level up and fiddle with the stats of the characters, and the perverse pleasure of the free mode allowing you to use any characters in any of the any of the story events.

There is a nice rating system at the end to which I am ever so proud to have spelled out the word "Ass"

Also: Boobies!!

Love and what more do you need from a game?

Richie X


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