
Showing posts from January, 2018

Bob Wakelin: Imagination fuel

Bit of Shitty news: Bob Wakelin is dead... You can easily be forgiven for asking who Bob Wakelin is, but truth is he probably touched your life in some way without you realising. Bob Wakelin was particularly famous for "Box Art" back when games were physical, you used to buy games in oversized cardboard boxes or in cassette tape and box form. And on these boxes was box art. And is was art, these guys were given the unenviable task of taking 8-bit sprites and re-imagining them. And imagining is the key word here the wonder of this box art is that is set a precedence for the game itself, no-one was under any false pretences that the box art would emulate the in-game graphics, but when you were playing it it would enhance the level of imagination you placed on it, especially when trying to decipher what some of those pixels were! Bob's portfolio is extensive and I want to just showcase a few of our favourites: The Newzealand Story: The New Zealand (Newzealand?) Sto...

Dolly post: Misfire

Alright so, at Xmas we promised we would take pictures or our toys (or " dollies "). First up is everyones favourite magenta decepticon, our modern day RosenKavalier : Misfire . Misfire is one of the original targetmasters and one of the "sort-of" regeneration of the seekers . The targetmasters made their debut in the final three episodes of the (western) cartoon " The Rebirth ": A collection of Misfire with awful animation. TakaraTomy have recently, release their Legends version of Misfire, (LG-52) . The legends version is Japanese revised version of the Titans Returns one,  with more accurate colouring and the added bonus of a targetmaster (though is headmaster was called 'Aimless' and so is his targetmaster...) Anyways Enjoy some lovely Hi-res pics of Misfire and his buddies: Say hello to my little friend   Side box art with a tiny squished face The name's Fire, Miss Fire... wait what?   Yeah s...

South Park: The Fractured but Whole

South Park is old. Like really old, it has been around for over 20 years! Despite that it is still pushing boundaries and entertaining. We played the last one and thoroughly enjoyed it! Its back again! Last time in Stick of Truth" the South Park kids were playing dungeons-and-dragons-esque wizards and Elves stuff. This time they are playing superheroes. So all the story/combat is based around superhero classes and powers. And it's great. My parting thoughts on the previous South Park were " All in all, If you like South Park, just fucking play this. It's brilliant. " and that still rings true with this one too! Fans of the show will get so much out of this game. Interacting with the denizens and soaking up that South Park atmosphere. Having played the last game, one thing that struck me straight away is that the game hadn't changed. Well, not significantly, the aesthetics, walking around and the town map had not undergone a particularly spectacula...

This is what Datamining was made for!

The internet is a swamp of too-much-information, littered with ads and scams. But every so often you find a little gem, a proverbial "Diamond in the rough" And you guys know you can count on us at, to bring you the news that you care about, one month after it surfaces! People datamine the Pokémon games, mostly to see hidden stuff like characters or items, but some total legends have decided to datamine the hell out of Jynx and have researched and theorised about Jynx's Boob Physics. Credits to: JynxClub Twitter Boob Physics ? Yeah " boob physics ", since the average gaming age is going down many of you 'gamerZ' wont remember the heady days of the mid naughties where "Boob Physics" was gratuitously thrown around buzzword in the Blogosphere. The technology for rounder (sic.) character models was finally starting to reach the the monitors and TV screens at home, the days of triangular pointy Lara Croft boobs, were bec...

Another year: what's next?

Wow another cycle of the globe: Another 12 months of lax posting and unenthusiastic wordsmithery. What happened to you guys? Well we could blame it on getting older not having the time to play games (RE every other blogger out there). We could blame it on the spark of venom and fire that once fuelled our passionate ramblings being quenched by our latter years "contentment". We could also blame it on our lack of motivation to keep spouting in a saturated genre, how can we even compete with the plethora of video game blogs, increasing their production values, not to mention the gaggle of youtubers (*collective noun required) vaping and shouting down their mics as they play the next generic shooter. Well whatever it may be, TGAM ain't dying any time soon. TGAM started way back in the heady mid 00's, we have been around longer than some bloggers!  and this dead horse has plenty of years of beatings left in it. So what have we got lined up for you? More "r...