Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2: A Review

Wow, well... We at Thatguys sure do love our Lego games and with Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 it's no differe.... ...Woah, just hold up a minute there fucko, are you seriously nonchalantly doing a fucking post on a game from a year ago? Are you seriously gonna fob of this bullshit on us and not even actually acknowledge that your post rate has dropped from 200 per year, down to 8 per year? Actually, No, I don't even want to hear your fucking excuses of "oh my gosh I'm so old and busy", or "I don't play games any more". That is fucking lies, and you know it, you are rationalising your neglect of a platform that brought you so much joy in the mid-naughties. You have probably spent more time on it in the last 3 years, updating to make it pretty than you have on actual content! "second greatest videogames blog of all time" pffft Prick. Go ahead do your fucking flaccid lethargic literary dry hump of a post on a game people no longer even ca...