Behind the rose tinted.

Dear Diary,

Last night I dreamed of World of Warcraft: classic. I dreamed I fired up my old account and ventured again into WoW at level 60.

I dreamed of Hunters with mana.
I dreamed of saving gold to level skills.
I dreamed of running out of quests at lvl 40.
I dreamed of buying reagents to cast spells.
I dreamed of sitting down for to drink the water you just conjured to replenish the mana you just spent on the conjuring the water.
I dreamed of senseless Alterac Valley.
I dreamed of waiting for Zeppelins.
I dreamed of no navigation.
I dreamed of escort quests, and enevitable ganks.
I dreamed of corpse crawling.
I dreamed of General: LFG 1x Tank 2x DPS
I dreamed of Buying bag space

If World of Warcraft is a feeling, then as the Red hot Chilli pepper once said "I dont wanna feel like I did that day"


Love and I'll probably play it anyway,
Richie X


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