Incoming Signal

INSIDE SCENE A SMALL SCIENCE SPACE CRAFT FLOATING THROUGH THE VOID. From some general disarray and darkness it’s clear that this small craft is abandoned. The only light is that coming from the Sun’s reflections of Earth and starlight through the small viewing windows and portholes throughout. Varying shots establish that it’s been some time since it’s been lived in. A shot through one of the windows with a view of Earth shows what is clearly North America, however there is a gigantic circular crater on the East coast, indicating something happened. Unexpectedly. Some of the machinery whirs into life like that scene from Aliens. You know the one. Various lights flash and static emits from a speaker. The signal, starts semi audible and begins to improve. It’s clear that its human speech before words can be heard. SPEAKER: …..ember…. cool……egular [SPEAKER CLICKS OFF] [SPEAKER RINGS THEN CLICKS ON] SPEAKER:…ember… uper cool… ifferent from regular….. entage of all...