Happy New (old) Years

We take a look at the year gone by, and the year coming up in games, take stock, be thankful, auld lang synes and resolutions it up, etc. Happy new years folks! We are available on: Google: https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy84ZjYyYzM0L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/that-guys-a-maniac-dot-dot-dot Castbox: https://castbox.fm/ch/2836225 Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/briawruf Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/that-guys-a-maniac-WaOw0M Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0o9OXgrEHvlEUJXRdN4D6F Apple: By searching for us on iTunes Love and Aural-Hugs, Richie + Farley AKA Cunzy1_1