
Showing posts from October, 2024

TGAM The Podcast RE:tro

In this week’s podcast, the maniacs take on the challenge of defining Retro Games. What is a retro game? Are there handy definitions that can be pinched from fashion,music or wider culture? Is it a console generation thing? Can it be defined technologically? Chronologically? They also pick the Definitive Top 3 Retro Games of All Time. May be some dog chat too.

TGAM The Podcast RE:Class

The maniacs are in class this week. RE:Class. You know, religious education classes? No? Okay, well we talk religion in video games sort of and cover the thrilling topic of reclassing. Very exciting. There may also be some dog talking.

TGAM The Podcast We'RE:Back

  We'RE:Back for the first episode of the fifth season of the TGAM Podcast! Will this be the season the maniacs don't neglect the blog despite directing everyone to it every episode? Well just between you and me listeners I'm already an episode behind! As ever we've got SEASON GIMMICKS including a bit that we're not sure if it works or not THE WHOLE SEASON. Just like old times (remember the office skit? Like that but worse!). We also debut new game Character, Item, Level to the world.