
Showing posts with the label Final Fantasy XIII-2

Acid Rounds: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Acid rounds  is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Cunzy1 1: The  Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy completely passed me by, but my good associate Richie went in hard. Tell me about this middle game. Did it only get good after 30 hours? Did the story attempt to make sense? Was this just a vehicle for Lightning merch? Richie: Ha FFXII-2 was an odd one, squeenix clearly had heard the massive backlash that the first one got for the 20 hour training mission, foregoes this entirely and places you right into a sequel letting you just play about and get the controls. And no the story makes no fucking sense, Lightnings sister Serah charges about through time "fixing the time line" to save a planet of immortal souls (btw all characters from FFXIII are immortal) from a priest that is also a moon, that is also a spaceship and and antagonist that doesn't like this for "reasons". oh and it might be a dream. Ha no, Lightni...