Acid Rounds: Ghost Master (PC)

Acid rounds is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Cunzy1 1: So your game this week is Ghost Master another game I have never heard of. I assume it's an espionage military shooter who is a dominatrix at the weekend? Richie: Oh Man, dude, this was a Randy_McSporran classic, I'm surprised you don't remember, maybe it was all that weed you were smoking at the time... And no this ain't no Call of Tom Clancy: Gear Solid Cell generic shooty game. No sir. Ghost Master rips of an entirely different genre. Ghost Master is, upon first look, a rip off of the sims, and has its place in a genre that has somewhat lost it's way to microtransactions nowadays, the "God" game. But you don't do building or character creation. Instead the locations are premade populated characters with different quirks floating about in them, but the twist is you have to unlock and use ghosts to drive insane/scare off ...