
Showing posts with the label Help me Leon

Resident Evil Infinite Darkness on Netflix Review

What If Resident Evil had a really long and boring cutscene you couldn't skip that was divided up into four episodes? Resident Evil Infinite Darkness is a Netflix 'Original Anime' Series which has just landed on ermmm Netflix. Is CG technically anime? Anyway, the series which nobody asked for and, having now watched it, I can confirm absolutely nobody needed surprised us. We like Resident Evil. We have a soft spot for Leon and Claire. Maybe, this could be good? SPOILERS ahoy so if you insist on suffering through it first, time to leave us now and come back.  This isn't our first rodeo with disappointing CG resident evil fare and although Netflix lists this as "Season 1" the 20 minute or so 4 episodes could just has easily have been a feature length film a la disappointing Resident Evil Degeneration, Resident Evil Damnation and Resident evil Vendetta. Each of those films left us asking why, anybody made them and to say they're formulaic is an understatement...

Resident Evil Spirits In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Welcome to the world of Survival Horror but with cartoon violence and stuff A whiiile ago now, four spirits from the Resident Evil series were added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch to coincide with all the Resident Evil games coming out for the platform and this post is an appreciation that that even happened at all. When Smash Bros. Ultimate came out, a lot of fans of the series weren't convinced by the 'storyline' content, the world of light and the single player challenges represented by the Spirit Board. Spirits, in this game are the essences of video game characters, items and places and in order to earn the spirits you have to best them in a fight. What we absolutely loved about battling spirits is that each fight re-imagined the essence, theme and tropes of the wide field of inspiration from across pretty much all of video games as it would be told through the main Smash cast and items. To reuse a well worn cliche, each one is a love lette...

Sender: Lab.Manager@NEST

Sender : Lab.Manager@NEST Subject : The Hub Is Not A Trash Can Dear All NEST staff This is a polite reminder to all NEST staff that, despite appearances, the yawning abyss in the Hub is not actually bottomless. I shouldn't have to remind you that key security and safety equipment is down there as well as the emergency evacuation exit. Janitorial staff have found countless cigarette butts, disposable coffee cups and other general detritus down there. Please use the trash cans provided in shared work areas. Sender : Lab.Manager@NEST Subject : Nap Room Changes Dear All NEST staff Due to a string of complaints about inappropriate behaviour the nap room will be single sex use only as of next week. You can find the nap room rota on the shared drive. There is a spare bed in the security office should you wish to nap when it isn't your sex's 'turn'. This is also a good time to remind staff that the nap room pods are single occupancy online. Sender : Lab.Man...

I suppose we should talk about RE2 Remake

So we took the plunge and kicked off the 30 min demo, below You can see all my procrastinating glory as you see me achieve absolutely fuck all. Watch me wander, watch me shoot random set bits, watch me get shit scared by zombies, good times. Like this is genuinely me playing! I played then I uploaded to youtube, crazy! As nice as it is to live in  a world where a) a resident evil 2 remake exists, b) you can screen/video grab with relative ease. I was left pondering as to who is this game meant for? ====Warning uninformed pseudo psychological opinions==== The original Resident Evils began their lives on the PS1, in the heady days of the mid 90's of dial up internet, and no  where we had films like Trainspotting, Pulp fiction, and Groundhog day, and our soundtracks were dominated by Brit-"pop" titans of Oasis, Blur and Pulp and landmark albums of Fat of the Land by Prodigy. The survival horror genre was being born, we finally had a platform which transcended ou...

Resident Evil Remix - Actual Media Content!

There are few precious things in the world which we hold dear, one of these is the Resident evil 2 - Clubbed to Death Remix. It mashes up the classic club hit "Clubbed to Death" with the even more classic dialogue of Resident evil 2. It just turns it all in to a Pre-Y2k nostalgic mess for us, we start crying, for our lost youth etc etc. Anyways, I have not been able to find this little gem anywhere. For years it has been sitting in a corner of "My Documents" folder of a hard drive long past it's best before date. There is a lot of mythos about this mix, as it only contains the Leon B Scenario! What happened to Leon A scenario remix? I heard rumours that there was an alternative Claire scenario remix done to the tune of "Boom, Boom, Boom Boom" by the Vengaboys. Hit us up if any of you have these bad boys taking up a few MB on your failing HDDs. Love and Ada, Ada Wong, Richie X

Alien Resurrection

Alien Resurrection for the PlayStation is fucking brilliant. The recent car crash that has been colonial marines has led many so called games journalists spout that there have never been any brilliant Alien games. Of course, because they were probably foetuses when many of them originally came out (and gamers who play older games are some sort of messed up because as a medium it's constantly improving unlike any other medium that has ever existed so any game released this week is obviously and by default better than last week's RANT CONTINUES HERE ). Alien Resurrection was one of the good ones. At the time, EDGE gave it a 9 and compared it to a GCSE in terms of how rock solid it was. I would link to that review except the EDGE website is awful and they haven't realised how uploading all their really good older content might get them some hits. However, it is rock solid and a bit scary even today . I've been stuck on the same section for over a decade. Every year...

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City

We've mentioned REORC before. We weren't very nice about it. We were concerned that what makes the early Resi's great had been taken away from this game. It was looking like an essentially generic man-shooter affair with the occasional familiar B.O.W. Manshooter syndrome is the new Monster Syndrome , or so we thought. Well this trailer encourages us to commit milnerphagy (milphagy? We want to eat our hat, not a hatmaker although eating a hatmaker is more Resident Evil). It actually looks good! We're excited again! Less focus on generic shooty people with gasmasks and more about the city and the story capcom have told, retold, rereleased and retold and retold again. Then retold in HD. We feel for the Resikipedians as it looks like the canon is going to be slightly retweaked again. Yay! Resident Evil again. We used to be a blog about Resident Evil once.

Help Me!

Play both of these at the same time. It works*. * DOES NOT WORK.

Help Me!

Help Me is an occasional series written about Ashley Graham, daughter to the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. OH SHIT I DUN ACCIDENTAL SEEN HER PANTIES. The internet is retarded. Stay away from it. It is nothing but mind rot and we think it may be spreading.