
Showing posts with the label Jill Valentine

Resident Evil Spirits In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Welcome to the world of Survival Horror but with cartoon violence and stuff A whiiile ago now, four spirits from the Resident Evil series were added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch to coincide with all the Resident Evil games coming out for the platform and this post is an appreciation that that even happened at all. When Smash Bros. Ultimate came out, a lot of fans of the series weren't convinced by the 'storyline' content, the world of light and the single player challenges represented by the Spirit Board. Spirits, in this game are the essences of video game characters, items and places and in order to earn the spirits you have to best them in a fight. What we absolutely loved about battling spirits is that each fight re-imagined the essence, theme and tropes of the wide field of inspiration from across pretty much all of video games as it would be told through the main Smash cast and items. To reuse a well worn cliche, each one is a love lette...

Acid Rounds: Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

Acid rounds is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Richie : I guess this is a Resident evil game about turning things? Does the square crank or the Valve handle feature profoundly in this one? What about the fan favourite Hex Crank? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : Oh "Revelations", not "Revolutions" What does this reveal then? Is there a nude cheat ? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : So beasted it then? Did you Catch 'em all? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : Would you recommend this one as a gift? Cunzy : Okay, I was dedicated to the joke but I feel I actually need to make the case for you to play this game but also you have missed the boat to play the best version of it. I really enjoy both Revelations ...

Project X Zone 2: Project X Done

It happens to us all, we hit the end credits and we slowly die inside as various names scroll past our eyes, as 50+ hours of investment in characters and mechanics is being taken away from us. This time it is happening to me, y t again, I am left with a a hollow void in my heart where once lay Project X Zone 2. It has been a wonderful adventure, All of these characters coming together to save the world from the Deux Ex Machina that is "Dimensions Melding".  It doesn't matter to me! I dig the gameplay but equally love the visual novel aspect... the interactions are priceless: I'll miss these guys. Roll on Project X Zone 3, (maybe time to go back and play New game+ on Project X Zone?) Love and KOS-MOS Richie X

I remember when we blogged about Resident Evil

On this day, July 24th 1998 The S.T.A.R.S. team first investigated the mansion... You gotta fucking love that opening. Real people... Not mo-capped. Got i miss those heady days of the PS1. Sniffle. Love and dont open THAT door, Richie X

International Women's Day!

So let's thank the new Tomb Raider  for paving the way for more games with female protagonists in them. Before the new Tomb Raider there weren't any games with female protagonists in them at all*. This exciting new trend means equality for all! * Except Koudelka, Urban Chaos, Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2, Tomb Raider 3, TOmb Raider Chronicles, TOmb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider the not very good one, Tomb Raider the remake of the first one, Tomb Raider LEgend, TOmb Raider Underworld, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Director's Cut, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil the GC remake, Resident Evil the Wiimake of the Gamecube remake, Parasite Eve, Mirror's Edge, Heavenly Sword, Haunting Ground, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill 3 HD, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Stir of Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Optimus Prime, DIno Crisis, Dino Crisis 2, Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, THOSE OTHER METROIDS, Beyond Good and Evil, Daikatana, Perfect Dark, Enslaved (sort of), Sybe...

Resident Evil 3DS thing. Will it have Tits?

Yes. Good. We heard rumours that Capcom was ditching the gratuitous tits shots in upcoming games. PUT THAT RUMOUR TO BED.

In Memorandum...

To those of use we lost 12 years ago to this day during that “incident” in that “mansion” just outside Raccoon city . To the brave souls of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha and Bravo teams we lost; May we never forget you! Love and dearly (re)departed fake specialist police teams, Richie X