
Showing posts with the label Namco Bandi might be the new Capcom

Soulcalibur VI: The art of character creation

How spiffy When one discusses the more recent entries in the soulcalibur series, one cannot skip over the aesthetic that has become the foundation at the core of this series' progression. The fundamentals of the personae are divided between the character models and the weapon styles. The weapon styles themselves could arguably be considered the actual protagonists in the soulcalibur enterprise, whereby it is irrelevant on your character choice, as through the medium of the character creator all styles may be applied to any moving portraiture. That being said that the mainstays of the series are so iconic and Namco are aware of this, so much so that they remain immediately selectable as pillars of the games.   However it is within the character creator that the sheer breadth of the title, and the archetypal aesthetic becomes so apparent. Interacting with the character creator acquaints and exposes the user to the underbelly of the fabrication and production of ...

I suppose we should talk about RE2 Remake

So we took the plunge and kicked off the 30 min demo, below You can see all my procrastinating glory as you see me achieve absolutely fuck all. Watch me wander, watch me shoot random set bits, watch me get shit scared by zombies, good times. Like this is genuinely me playing! I played then I uploaded to youtube, crazy! As nice as it is to live in  a world where a) a resident evil 2 remake exists, b) you can screen/video grab with relative ease. I was left pondering as to who is this game meant for? ====Warning uninformed pseudo psychological opinions==== The original Resident Evils began their lives on the PS1, in the heady days of the mid 90's of dial up internet, and no  where we had films like Trainspotting, Pulp fiction, and Groundhog day, and our soundtracks were dominated by Brit-"pop" titans of Oasis, Blur and Pulp and landmark albums of Fat of the Land by Prodigy. The survival horror genre was being born, we finally had a platform which transcended ou...

Project X Zone 2: Project X Done

It happens to us all, we hit the end credits and we slowly die inside as various names scroll past our eyes, as 50+ hours of investment in characters and mechanics is being taken away from us. This time it is happening to me, y t again, I am left with a a hollow void in my heart where once lay Project X Zone 2. It has been a wonderful adventure, All of these characters coming together to save the world from the Deux Ex Machina that is "Dimensions Melding".  It doesn't matter to me! I dig the gameplay but equally love the visual novel aspect... the interactions are priceless: I'll miss these guys. Roll on Project X Zone 3, (maybe time to go back and play New game+ on Project X Zone?) Love and KOS-MOS Richie X

Ghost Trick

We played Ghost Trick on the DS! For so long we've gotten used to the DS being the machine that plays Pokemon we almost completely forgot it plays other excellent games. Remember how we used to be a blog about Resident Evil (hence the name That guy's a maniac)? Last week we looked at a game with zombies in it. Today we're looking at a Capcom game so that pretty much means we're back on track as per our strategic vision . It totally counts.  So what about this game then? Well it is over a year old so we're probably the last people on Earth to play it. Others reviewed it and better than we will. Read those reviews. We enjoyed it. It was fun and aaargh. We can't write this long without a numbered list. Here's a numbered list of things we liked about Ghost Trick: Unusually, for Capcom the save system isn't totally fucked. So far there's no checkpoints just before a long unskippable cutscene or a ridiculously difficult difficulty spike(y).  B...

Capcom vs Who?

We've picked up a copy of Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars Edition. The fighters include a team of Capcom characters who we all know and love from series like Darkstalkers, Onimusha and Quiz Nanairo Dreams. You know, Quiz Nanairo Dreams. Rainbow Colour village? You know. However, you may have wondered for the last year since it came out, what the hell is a Tatsunoko? Well readers, we went to the British Library to do some research and discovered that Tatsunoko is a DC comic about seahorses who become people with super powers. Here's the bios of the Tatsunoko Set (the name of the super hero group). Casshan Casshan also known as Casshern is a prick. Generic in every way. He thinks it is acceptable to dress like a power ranger in 2011. Doronjo Doronjo falls over a lot. As a result we see her knickers. A lot. She can turn into a bat, which is unusual for a woman who used to be a seahorse. Gold Lightan It is uncertain weather Gold Lightan was made before or after the Gre...

FAST Racing League

We've always got a bit of time for a downloadable game on the console that may actually be alright. sure, juggling the games and channels on the Wii between an SD card and the hard drive can be tedious but it goes to show that if you give people the tools to make their own games, five years later there might be one or two worth playing. With all the E3 hype it might have been easy to miss generically titled FAST Racing League but we're glad we gave it a download. FAST Racing League takes 'inspiration' from N64's Pod Racer, Wipeout and we imagine that FX racing series but we were never a fan of that. There's only twelve tracks but it is blisteringly fast, hard as nails and comes with two or four player split screen multiplayer. Not bad considering that this £7 download is more fun than most racing games in recent years (Motorstorm 3, 4, 5? was awful but that may have just been the 3D experience). I will say that it is a bit soulless and when you are whizzing arou...

A Love Affair With Monster Hunter- Work In Progress

We get literally a dozen emails every four years asking us how we manage to write at least two hard hitting posts a month. Well reader here's a behind the scenes look at a post in progress, with directors commentary at the bottom. That's right, we're opening up the creative process to you the readers. Not at all because we can't be bothered to write anything proper. Who knows? This may inspire you to start up yet another video game blog because there aren't enough of those around!!!!!* Here it goes: With my wife away on business, I've spent hours and hours with my mistress. There's nothing quite as thrilling as sitting in my pants, opening a bottle of wine and spending the night with another woman. However, this other woman isn't Tracy from accounts, it's a woman called Cunzy1 1 who is mighty handy with a bowgun. Yes, after months of waiting I finally picked up Monster Huntr Tri for the nintendo Wii and I've gorged myself on it this last week and...

You don't say?

From EDGE " The Wii and DS markets have “collapsed”, according to Namco Bandai’s VP of sales, marketing and publishing Olivier Comte....... “It’s a tough market,” Comte told MCV . “We had a lot of product, and the average quality of a game on DS and Wii is very, very bad. So in the mind of the consumer today, to buy a DS or Wii game is to buy a game that isn’t very good." Namco's E3 lineup From ONM Namco Bandai Dragon Ball: Origins 2 (DS) Pac Man 2010 (TBC) . Okay so Pac Man 2010 might just be the Citizen Kane of games . No no. Fuck off Namco Bandai. Just fuck off.

Capcom DRM: Where is the apology?

Numerous sites ran with the news today that Capcom forgot to inform players that in order to play Final Fight: Double Impact, players had to be online all the time. They apologised for not telling players about the DRM . However, at the time of writing Capcom have still not apologised for the existence of the Game itself yet. TGAM Editor in Heels, Richie Richards had the following to say: "The world really didn't need either of these games the first time around. This reboot is totally redundant. It would be like releasing Megaman 10 for fuck's sake." TGAM Pilot First Rank, Doppelganger chimed in with: "Great. More middle of the road games. I can barely tolerate to think of the days I used to get excited about games anymore. I hope someone somewhere is genuinely excited to see these games again" This blog, once upon a time a single Capcom IP fan site of sorts, is sad to see Capcom joins the long list of those failing to apologise for their decidel...

Restoring the Capcom to the blog.

Some sad Capcom fanboys are looking for suggestions for the next Capcom vs XXXX title. In order to restore some Capcomness to this blog here are our top 5 suggestions: 1) Capcom vs the pool of baby lotion 2) The real Capcom vs the Capcom characters from fan fictions . 3) Capcom vs the giant purple cheese with a vagina in RE2 4) Capcom vs Blazing Squad 5) Capcom vs Kayne West LOLOLOLOLOLOL Also, here's a hint to all the asswipes leaving comments on the Capcom Unity blog, if you make a suggestion and have to put (funny) after it it probably isn't funny (bitterness). Image of Tree Spirit Sakuya from Okami confirming that she does indeed have a Buttless dress from this dirty perve clacier over at Deviant Art.

Namco Bandi might be the new Capcom.

I don't mean like Pac-Man or other scheisse like that I mean some of their recent additions to the 360 and maybe some of the Wii titles, though one of the greatest things about the Namco Bandai games is how pretty they are, So I wouldn't recommend playing them on the underpowered inbred cousin of the next gen consoles. I just had a look at some of the games I games I have, and I noticed that I have too many Namco Bandai titles and they are pretty much my favourites. Beautiful Katamari Yeah you all know it, the little green dude that collect things till they get bigger and bigger. As much as I'm put of by all the twats out there with their knitted Katamari hats to put on their cats, the game is still fun. Though A reskin would be nice. Soulcalibur IV Swords, boobs and Jedis... I think I have talked enough about this previously. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja & Naruto: Broken Bonds Meh, good games, great fighting, great animation, but most folks...