
Showing posts with the label Ramparos

Why is the Escapist so shit?

In theory it should be good. But it isn't. The articles have interesting titles and are on great parts of the gaming culture but after clicking through there is no real insight there or we felt we could write a better article. Yes, us . Rumours are abound that Stolen pixels will start to get funny soon. Unskippable is a great idea. A really good idea. Someone else should have had that idea. And done something with it. Unfortunately, not what the Escapist have done with it. They update regularly, occassionally before Kotaku but then navel gaze a tad too much (the Editor's letters etc.). Perhaps in a few years they'll have something to be so reflecting about but not yet. The crossword and zero punctuation are saving graces and I don't have time to do the crossword. I feel bad for the Escapist. I just can't place what exactly they are doing wrong. Until then I'll keep checking zero punctuation.

Editor of ONM replies! Is smug.

We got a reply!! Which will go down in TGAM history because no one normally replies to our open letters. Here it all is: Hi Cunzy1 1, or whoever. Thanks for your email. I always appreciate it when somebody takes the time and effort to contact us, as you have done, regardless of your opinion. Thank you also for continually buying the magazines. Your loyalty pays our wages and funds our passion. Thanks for your points and the detail of your email. All criticism is taken on board. It's kind of flattering to see that you're 'onto us hacks'. It's always nice to hear that people actually read the words and don't just look at the pretty pictures. I look forward to reading further analysis of the magazine, should you see fit to provide it. Lastly, let me reassert the point that I/we really appreciate the fact that you continually buy the magazine despite thinking it's far from the standards needed to satiate your refined gaming ideals. Have a great Bank Holiday, Cha...

Omastar Comics #2

I will keep posting these as a form of protest until Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil Outbreak are released on the DS with proper co-op play over Wi-Fi or wireless. This week Omastar discusses global warming from an extinct marine invertebrate perspective.

More Fossil Pokemon!

You may have gathered that we are a bit gay for the pokemon and at the moment it's ALL SEVEN FEVER round here with Diamond and Pearl coming out soon (that should be "soon"). Aside from Nintendo raking in the cash by tapping into the weak part of our brains that actually looks forward to playing probably almost the exact same game for the fifth time there's two new fossil pokemon which hits me in that extra special, special place . Here they are: Bastiodon Ramparos Bastiodon has been modelled on Ceratopsian dinosaurs and Ramparos is clearly inspired by Pachycephalosaurus. * sigh * Why do I care so much? Just-have-to -wait-until-July.