Acid Rounds: Final Fantasy Explorers (Nintendo 3DS)

Acid rounds is a semi-regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Richie: Oh here we go again, TGAM bragging about games they have beasted from start to finish... I'm sure you all REALLY care! Well strap yourself in, pin back those eyelids and set your faces to stun, as to day we talk about Cunzy allegedly beasting Final Fantasy Explorers . So over to you Cunzers, why on earth did you by this game? Cunzy1 1: In the absence of charisma, charm, or any interesting facet about me really, I've decided that the interesting thing about me will be I'm the person who likes spin-offs better than the main series. So that's why I'm here to tell you Final Fantasy Explorers is better than any numbered Final Fantasy game of recent years. Richie: Is Cloud in it? Cunzy1 1: Of course! Although not as a real character. Characters from lesser Final Fantasy games appear as 'summons' by equipment magicite made from bits of gear. Eq...