Here's a little insight into the world of video games journalism. We've all thought about doing it but no journo with integrity would ever go through with it. Hell, we flew pretty close to the wind one time but we pulled out at the last minute. However, Owen Good at Kotaku has broken one of the golden rules of games journalism. It's so meta we just don't even know where to look or to start reading it from. Yes. Kotaku has lowered the community IQ by several hundred points by doing a top 5 list of other top ten lists . Click only if you are brave enough. Oh and Owen, don't forget some of the top tens we've had here over the years including: Cunzy1 1's Top Ten Non lethal Weapons in Video Games. Cunzys top 10 computer game characters he like to get screenshots/photos of cos-players of, so that he can get hard, as nothing else does it now. Top 5 Shit pokemon that are shit, but not quite as shit as the top 5 lamest pokemon that 1up posted: TGAM...