
Flame Rounds: Peach's Mushrooms

Flame rounds  lets us fulfil our yearning passion to be Frank Skinner, taking on his role as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in Room 101. We will be presenting a case for a particular Trope/Character/Item/UI element that pisses us off and then trying to justify whether this thing should go into room 101 (get flame roundsded?) Cunzy1 1: Last time around we corrected a bad timeline by   removing Timesplitters: Future Perfect. It's ladies' choice this week, what do we have? Richie:  Right! I'm going super-niche here. On the final boss of  Super Mario World , when you are fighting Bowser in his clown face flying reverse helicopter basket thing. Every so often Peach will pop-out scream, "Help!" and throw a mushroom at you. Now admittedly this is a nice thing to do, but it fucks me right off! You have 2 feathers, or maybe you have even mixed it up and gone all maverick and have a fire-flower in reserve! I ain't gonna Judge. But does Peach care about your game p

This Joke Only Works If You Knew There Was A Pokemon Called Kabuto And A Game Called Giants Citizen Kabuto Oh Well Gonna Post It Anyway


Acid Rounds: Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

Acid rounds is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Richie : I guess this is a Resident evil game about turning things? Does the square crank or the Valve handle feature profoundly in this one? What about the fan favourite Hex Crank? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : Oh "Revelations", not "Revolutions" What does this reveal then? Is there a nude cheat ? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : So beasted it then? Did you Catch 'em all? Cunzy : Why haven't you played this game yet, you own it on at least two platforms? Richie : Would you recommend this one as a gift? Cunzy : Okay, I was dedicated to the joke but I feel I actually need to make the case for you to play this game but also you have missed the boat to play the best version of it. I really enjoy both Revelations

Wayne's World SNES

Wayne's World for the SNES is probably the worst game I have ever played. It is the fucking epitome of the senseless unnecessary movie cash-in games that gave movie tie-in games the awful reputation and stigma they endured for so many years. Countless swathes of 90's blockbusters which were quickly ported into generic shit-platformers* and this one just sticks out in my mind as one of the worst. A melange of lo-fi sound clips straight from the show/movie and even worse 16-bit pixel images. It offers sickeningly predictable sound effects, repeatedly using a crackly "excellent" ad nauseam, interspersed with "Schwing", and the occasional "Not Worthy" chant. The game has no story, it isn't even sure if it is the move tie-in or the TV show tie in. The 1st level above seems to depict the store where Wayne finds the guitar he wants (oh yes, she will be mine) attempts to play it and is "denied" to play Stairway to Heaven. Except

Flame Rounds: Timesplitters: Future Perfect

Flame rounds lets us fulfil our yearning passion to be Frank Skinner, taking on his role as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in Room 101. We will be presenting a case for a particular Trope/Character/Item/UI element that pisses us off and then trying to justify whether this thing should go into room 101 (get flame rounded?) Richie: Oh man Sweet, its that time where we flame round shit again! Lets see what Cunzy has for me to shoot down this time! Cunzy1 1: This is our first entire game on Flame Rounds and it's 2005's Timesplitters: Future Perfect. As gamers of a particular vintage will tell you, Timesplitters was phenomenal and seemingly came from nowhere, an early PlayStation 2 first person shooter, against the clock game with great original characters, amazing multiplayer and silly modes/cheat characters/silly characters goofiness the likes of which hadn't been seen since Goldeneye . Timesplitters 2 built on that in almost every way. One of our favourite games of all

Starlink: A Turret Called Gunny

Starlink: Battle For Atlas is a game we are playing and enjoying  but the announcement that there seems to be some semi-substantial new content on the way in the recent Nintendo Direct put the fire up our butts to get it finished. As is typical for Ubisoft games this involves a lot of tidying up and clearing out busywork that in Starlink is fun enough with plenty of variety to stop it getting stale. It was whilst doing this busywork on the planet Sonatus that we met Gunny, initially just a deployable turret we picked up to take some of the grind out of taking down enemy fortifications, uplinking satellites and hacking Legion data cores etc. However, what started as a relationship of convenience soon became a lifelong friendship... what started as a reluctant partnership soon became.. what started as an unlikely pairing with cultural differences... we became unusual but authentic friends... it's A BUDDY COP MOVIE OKAY. We made a buddy cop movie. Meet Gunny or technically a [

Acid Rounds: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Acid rounds  is a semi regular, irregular spot on TGAM for games we have beasted from start to finish. Cunzy1 1: The  Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy completely passed me by, but my good associate Richie went in hard. Tell me about this middle game. Did it only get good after 30 hours? Did the story attempt to make sense? Was this just a vehicle for Lightning merch? Richie: Ha FFXII-2 was an odd one, squeenix clearly had heard the massive backlash that the first one got for the 20 hour training mission, foregoes this entirely and places you right into a sequel letting you just play about and get the controls. And no the story makes no fucking sense, Lightnings sister Serah charges about through time "fixing the time line" to save a planet of immortal souls (btw all characters from FFXIII are immortal) from a priest that is also a moon, that is also a spaceship and and antagonist that doesn't like this for "reasons". oh and it might be a dream. Ha no, Lightni